World War II Championship Series (CWL) – This was the first CoD League ever, back in 2015. Not only is it fun to watch some of the earlier matches for historical context, but even as more recent games become available on YouTube and Twitch, this tournament continues to be a big draw. It also has lots of opportunities for you to place your bets. The 2018 edition had five major events:
CWL Pro League – Held at the MLG Arena in Columbus, Ohio from January 23–29th. Eight teams competed for $700K total prize pool.
Stage 1 Playoffs – Held at MLG Arena in Columbus, Ohio from April 20–22nd. Four teams competed for $500K total prize pool.
Stage 2 Playoffs – Held at MLG Arena in Columbus, Ohio from June 15–17th. Four teams competed for $500K total prize pool.
Championships – Held at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio August 15–19th.$1M awarded across 16 teams competing
How to bet on video games in general
The entire process can be broken down into a simple, seven-step guide:
Find the right esports bookmaker for you.
Choose how much money to invest in esports betting, and which payment method you want to use (e.g., credit card, bitcoin).
Open an account and make your first deposit at your chosen esports bookmaker.
Pick a game or match that you think you have the best odds of winning on (e.g., Call of Duty League playoffs) and select a betting market that seems most promising to you (e.g., outright winner). Some useful tips for narrowing down the list of games and markets include finding out more about each game’s popularity, looking up which players are considered among the best in their field, watching live-streamed gameplay videos on YouTube or Twitch, and reading articles by experts in this field (for instance, those published by Luckbox).
Place a bet at the odds advertised by your bookmaker on your chosen bet type (outright winner) for your selected match/game (Call of Duty League playoffs), using one of three basic types of wager: single bets (betting on one outcome; e.g., Atlanta FaZe winning), multiple bets (betting with two or more outcomes combined; e.g., Dallas Empire winning both Half 1 & Half 2), or system bets (multiple bets based on a specified number of possible outcomes; e .g . 2 from 3). You can also choose between decimal odds—which reflect how much money will be returned if successful—or fractional odds—which express winnings as multiples of stake placed plus initial stake itself—as well as American odds format (+100 means even money bet will return $100 if won). The amount placed is called the stake; this is deducted from your balance when placing a bet and returned after it has been settled plus any winnings due to you if

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